Wayfinder is a fanzine for Paizo Publishing's roleplaying game Pathfinder. The zine is published by Paizo Fans United and it gathers writers and illustrators globally to produce content for the zine that is available for free online download.
Illustration for Brendan Ward and Amy C. Goodenough's article Weal and Woe: Fire and Fletching.
The character portrayed here is a dryad bard Laenan. Published in Wayfinder #18.
Illustration for Brendan Ward and Amy C. Goodenough's article Weal and Woe: Fire and Fletching. The character portrayed here is a human slayer / master hunter Tahatan. Published in Wayfinder #18.
My illustration for “Piratey Steve” Smith’s short story Not Exactly What You’d Call a Sea Shanty published in  Wayfinder #17.
Technomancer for Kendra Leigh Speedling's story piece This Is How It Starts. Wayfinder #16
Uringen alchemist for Jeff Sexton and Ian Turner's article Uringen Advancements in Alchemy. Wayfinder #15
Gunslinger for Garrett Guillotte’s High and and low roads: more River Kingdoms archetypes / Low roads drifter. Wayfinder #15
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